Campbell Crops is a team of people dedicated to providing you with the highest quality agronomic sales and services in the Dauphin, Northumberland, and Schuylkill Counties.
It is our goal to place the best product for your operation on your farm to assist you in making the most efficient use of your crop production resources. We won't recommend anything that we wouldn't use on our own farm!
We carry a full line of agronomic seeds, fertilizer, and crop protection products as well as provide custom planting and application.
Call us if you have any questions; our staff will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you for your support and consideration.
~ Jonathan and Lainey Campbell
380 North Pine Street, Elizabethville, Pennsylvania 17023, United States
380 North Pine Street, Elizabethville, Pennsylvania 17023, United States
Copyright © 2024 Campbell Crops - All Rights Reserved.